How Endodontic Treatment Saves Your Tooth

baton rouge root canals

Endodontic treatment refers to procedures addressing the soft tissues in the interior of your teeth. These procedures can help tackle infected teeth and protect you from tooth loss. At our endodontic office in Baton Rouge, LA, our team will help preserve your smile and protect you from major discomfort.

The Root Canal Process

When a tooth is infected, you need treatment to prevent tooth loss and severe discomfort. Our team will numb the tooth and then gently open it to access and remove the infected tissues from within. Once we do, we clean the interior of the tooth and the roots. The root canal procedure then involves adding a special restorative material to the interior of the tooth before we cap the tooth with a crown, one custom-made to offer a natural looking appearance. The process stops discomfort, such as soreness and pain when eating, and helps prevent the loss of your tooth and the spread of infection to other parts of your smile.

Retreating Your Teeth

In most situations, a root canal protects the tooth for a lifetime. However, in rare cases they could fail and the tooth could become reinfected. This could be due to a crown not being placed quickly enough to prevent the pulp from being exposed to bacteria, an injury to the tooth or a cavity that forms due to poor oral hygiene, or complications with the root canals in your tooth’s interior. Our team can still save your tooth by removing the filling material from the inside of the tooth, and then cleaning the interior thoroughly to remove any and all infection. Our team caps the tooth with a crown designed to protect the interior structure and offer a durable chewing surface and a lifelike appearance.

Endodontic Surgery

When infection and inflammation forms at the tip of your tooth roots before or following a root canal treatment, then we may recommend an apicoectomy, a root end resection in which we open the gums to access the roots and remove the infection and pulp. We then seal the area with a special filling material.

If you have any questions about our endodontic treatments, or if you have an aching tooth that needs immediate attention, then contact our team today to learn more.

Ask Your Endodontist In Baton Rouge, LA About Treating Dental Infection

Our team wants to prevent you from suffering worsening oral health and tooth loss with our endodontic treatments, such as root canal therapy. For more information on our endodontic treatment options, give us a call at Root Canal Specialists of Baton Rouge at (225)766-3061, with locations in both Baton Rouge and Denham Springs, LA! You deserve a healthy, whole, and beautiful smile, so don’t live with discomfort, talk to our team soon!