Stop A Painful Toothache With Root Canal Therapy

When you lose the protection of your natural enamel, your tooth is at risk of developing an infection in the soft tissue within. Not only can this put the area at risk of further deterioration, it can also cause significant pain as the bacterial growth starts to overtake the nerve inside. If you have started to notice pain or discomfort within your smile, make the effort in speaking with a trained oral health provider about your options in treatment.

With our team of endodontic professionals in Baton Rouge, LA, you have the opportunity to address your infected tooth with root canal therapy. This process helps you to stop your nagging toothache through the removal of the compromised pulp within the affected tooth. Afterward, your talented endodontist will use a plant-based putty to fully seal the root canal, which is the connective point between your jaw and this tooth. A beautiful new dental crown will serve to cap off your repair, giving you the ability to chew and smile with restored conviction!

Helping You To End Your Dental Pain With Root Canal Therapy

If you know that one or more of your teeth are in need of repair, take some time to see your dentist about endodontic repair as quickly as you can. Your natural enamel provides a durable defense against the spread of infection to the soft tissue within, and without its protection, you could be at risk of harm to the tooth. Bacteria can start to travel through your dentin, which is the material that makes up the bulk of your tooth.

When infection takes hold in the collection of soft tissue, it can lead to a troublesome toothache that just will not go away. If you find that your smile has started to hurt, call your dentist and schedule a time for an examination. You may require root canal therapy to stop your oral pain or discomfort!

How Root Canal Therapy Gives You The Opportunity To Save Your Tooth

Root canal therapy is an endodontic procedure aimed at saving an infected tooth from the need for an extraction. This process includes the excision of your infected pulp, freeing you of that horrible toothache. Your endodontist follows up this portion of the restoration with the use of a sealant to protect this tooth from future reinfection and potential spread. After your root canal treatment, your provider will fit you for a beautiful new dental crown, giving you the ability to chew and smile with confidence again!

Learn More About Root Canal Therapy With Our Team Of Endodontic Professionals In Baton Rouge

If you have begun to experience pain or discomfort within one of your teeth, talk to a talented oral health provider about whether you need root canal therapy. To learn more or to schedule your appointment, call Root Canal Specialists of Baton Rouge at (225)766-3061, with locations in Baton Rouge and Denham Springs, LA!

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